9th Summer School on Computational Interaction 2025,

16-20 June 2025, Paris, France


John H. Williamson is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow. His research interests are around machine learning for novel sensing devices, probabilistic modelling and filtering for interaction, and the use of Bayesian methods more generally in HCI. In the past he has worked on brain-computer interfaces, mobile interaction and real-time sonification. He organised the first summer school on Computational Interaction in 2015.

Lydia Chilton is assistant professor at Columbia University. Her area of study is in Human-Computer Interaction. Her research is in AI+design – How AI can help people with design, innovation, and creative problem-solving. Application include: creating media for journalism, developing technology for public libraries, improving risk communication during hurricanes, helping scientists explain their work, and improving mental health in marginalized communities.

Laure Soulier is an Associate Professor at Sorbonne University in the ISIR laboratory. Her research focuses on deep learning techniques for natural language processing and information retrieval tasks. Her contributions rely on (large) language models for factual text generation, structured information synthesis, and conversational search engines/RAG. She recently started to investigate robotics applications such as action planification or multimodal gesture generation.

Antti Oulasvirta leads the Computational Behavior Lab (cbl.aalto.fi) at Aalto University and the Interactive AI research program at FCAI (Finnish Center for AI). He was awarded the ERC Starting Grant (2015-2020) for research on computational design of user interfaces and the ERC Advanced Grant (2024-2029) for studying computational models of human behavior.